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1985MNRAS.216..173Wall & Peacock
MNRAS, 216, 173-192 (1982).
Bright Eetragalactic Radio Sources at 2.7 GHz -III.
The all-sky catalogue
Wall J.V. & Peacock J.A.
We catalogue the brightest extragalactic radio sources at 2.7 GHz.
The complete sample comprises 233 sources found in the major centimetre-
wavelength surveys carried out at ANRAO/Parkes, NRAO/Greenbank, and
MPIfR/Bonn; the sample covers 9.81 sr and has limits S2.7=2.0 Jy and
|b| >10^o. A critial re-analysis of the data shows that 227 (97%)
have optical identificatrion and 171 (73 %) have measured Z. The
implications of the catalogue statistics for the luminosity functions
of different radio-source populations are considered.
This catalog contains the brightest radio sources at 2.7 GHz. The complete
sample comprises 233 sources found in the major centimeter-wavelength
surveys carried out at ANRAO/Parkes, NRAO/Greenbank, and MPIfR/Bonn.
The sample covers 9.81 sr and has a limit of 2.0 Jy at 2.7 GHz, with
|b| > 10. These data were originally presented in Wall and Peacock,
MNRAS, 216, 173.
Field List - Short Descriptions
The values in parenthesis include (units, datatype, example).
1 iauname Name of source in IAU convention (char7, example: '0320-37')
2 name Other name of source (char8, example: 'For A')
3 ra_1950 rad Right ascension of source in radians (B1950) (real, example: 0.876068)
4 dec_1950 rad Declination of source in radians (B1950) (real, example: -0.652491)
5 ra_1950_deg deg Right ascension of source in degrees (B1950) (real, example: 50.195000)
6 dec_1950_deg deg Declination of source in degrees (B1950) (real, example: -37.384998)
7 poserr arcsec Positional error of source (real, example: 4.0)
8 s_11cm Jy Flux density at 11cm (real, example: 98.0)
9 alpha Spectral index of source between 2.7 and 5 GHz (real, example: 0.52)
10 id Optical identification (char3, example: 'G')
11 mv V magnitude of source (real, example: 7.0)
12 z Redshift of source (real, example: 0.0008)
13 z_flag Flag '*' if z is estimated (char1, example: '*')
14 ref Reference for position (char13, example: '174,65,69')
Field List - Detailed Descriptions
1. COLUMNS iauname name
The iauname column gives the name of the source in IAU convention. The
name column gives an alternative name, if available.
Example (iauname) (char7): '0320-37'
Example (name) (char8): 'For A'
2. COLUMNS ra_1950 dec_1950 ra_1950_deg dec_1950_deg
These columns give the B1950 right ascension and declination of the source.
Positions are from the first reference listed in the "ref" column, and are
optical positions with the following exceptions: if the optical position
was of low accuracy and the source was compact, the radio position was used.
Example (ra_1950) (real): 0.876068
Example (dec_1950) (real): -0.652491
Example (ra_1950_deg) (real): 50.195000
Example (dec_1950_deg) (real): -37.384998
3. COLUMN poserr
This column gives the positional error. The quoted error is the rms in one
direction in arcsec.
Example (poserr) (real): 4.0
4. COLUMN s_11cm
This column gives the flux density at 2.7 GHz, in Jy. The 2.7 GHz
flux-density scale was changed from that used by Kellermann et al. (1969)
to the Parkes flux-density scale.
Example (s_11cm) (real): 98.0
5. COLUMN alpha
This column gives the spectral index between 2.7 and 5 GHz, in the sense
of S prop nu^(-alpha).
Example (alpha) (real): 0.52
6. COLUMN id
This column gives the optical classification of the source, as follows:
- Q QSO confirmed by spectrum or variability (and including BL Lac
- Q? Stellar object on position.
- G Galaxy confirmed by extended image.
- G? Very faint object; presumed galaxy.
- EF Empty field
Example (id) (char3): 'G'
7. COLUMN mv
This column gives the visual magnitude of the source.
Example (mv) (real): 7.0
8. COLUMNS z z_flag
These columns give the redshift and redshift flag. The z_flag column is
marked with an asterisk ('*') if the redshift is an estimate.
Example (z) (real): 0.0008
Example (z_flag) (char1): '*'
9. COLUMN ref
References to the given position are as follows:
- 1. Perley, 1982
- 2. Ulvestad et al. 1981
- 3. Morabito et al. 1982
- 4. Morabito et al. 1983
- 5. Large et al. 1981
- 6. Fomalont and Moffet, 1971
- 7. Hunstead, 1972
- 8. Jenkins, Pooley, and Riley, 1977.
- 9. Laing, 1981
- 10. Burch, 1979
- 11. Longair, 1975
- 12. Pooley and Henbest, 1974
- 13. Northover, 1973
- 14. Riley and Pooley, 1975
- 15. Peacock and Wall, 1982
- 16. Hargrave, 1974
- 17. Northover, 1976
- 18. Turland, 1975
- 19. Birkinshaw, Laing, and Peacock, 1981
- 20. Elsmore and Ryle, 1976
- 21. Hargrave and McEllin, 1975
- 22. Riley and Branson, 1973
- 23. Correction of Peacock and Wall, 1982 misprint (unpublished VLA data)
- 24. Adgie, Crowther, and Gent 1972
- 25. Schilizzi and McAdam, 1975
- 26. Cameron, 1971
- 27. Christiansen et al. 1977
- 28. Ekers et al. 1978
- 29. Willis, Strom, and Wilson, 1974
- 30. Waggett, Warner, and Baldwin, 1977
- 31. Prestage, Peacock, and Wall, in preparation
A '???' indicates that the entries in that column are not complete.
The author intends to go back and fill in the missing info in the future.
Example (ref) (char13): '174,65,69'
- Adgie, R.L., Crowther, J.H., and Gent, H. 1972, MNRAS, 159, 233.
- Birkinshaw, M., Laing, R.A., and Peacock, J.A. 1981, MNRAS, 197, 253.
- Burch, S.F. 1979, MNRAS, 186, 519.
- Cameron, M.J. 1971, MNRAS, 152, 439.
- Christiansen, W.N., Frater, R.H., Watkinson, A., O'Sullivan, J.D., Lockhart,
I.A., and Goss, W.M. 1977, MNRAS, 181, 183.
- Elsmore, B. and Ryle, M. 1976, MNRAS, 167, 31p.
- Ekers, R.D., Goss, W.M., Kotanyi, C.G., and Skellern, D.J. 1978, A&A, 117, 60.
- Fomalont, E.B. and Moffet, A.T. 1971, A.J., 76, 5.
- Hargrave, P.J. 1974, MNRAS, 168, 491.
- Hargrave, P.J. and McEllin, M. 1975, MNRAS, 173, 37.
- Hunstead, R.W. 1972, MNRAS, 157, 367.
- Jenkins, C.J., Pooley, G.G., and Riley, J.M. 1977, MmRAS, 84, 61.
- Kellermann, K.I, Pauliny-Toth, I.I.K. & Williams, P.J.S.: 1969, Ap.J.,
157, 1.
- Laing, R.A. 1981, MNRAS, 195, 261.
- Large, M.I., Mills, B.Y., Little, G.A., Crawford, D.F., and Sutton, J.M. 1981,
194, 693.
- Longair, M.S. 1975, 173, 309.
- Morabito, D.D., Preston, R.A., Slade, M.A., and Jauncey, D.L. 1982, A.J., 87,
- Morabito, D.D., Preston, R.A., Slade, M.A., Jauncey, D.L., and Nicolson, G.D.
1983, A.J., 88, 1138.
- Northover, K.J.E. 1973, MNRAS, 165, 369.
- Northover, K.J.E. 1976, MNRAS, 177, 307.
- Peacock, J.A. and Wall, J.V. 1982, MNRAS, 198, 843.
- Perley, R.A. 1982, A.J., 87, 859.
- Pooley, G.G. and Henbest, S.N. 1974, MNRAS, 169, 477.
- Prestage, Peacock, and Wall, in preparation
- Riley, J.M. and Branson, N.J.B.A. 1973, MNRAS, 164, 271.
- Riley, J.M. and Pooley, G.G. 1975, Mem.R.astr.Soc, 80, 105.
- Schilizzi, R.T. and McAdam, W.B. 1975, Mem.R.astr.Soc, 79, 1.
- Turland, B.D. 1975, MNRAS, 170, 281.
- Ulvestad, J., Johnson, K., Perley, R., and Fomalant, E. 1981, A.J., 86, 1010.
- Wall, J.V. and Peacock, J.A., MNRAS, 216, 173.
- Waggett, B.C., Warner, P.J., and Baldwin, J.E. 1977, MNRAS, 181, 465.
- Willis, A.G., Strom, R.G., and Wilson, A.S. 1974, Nature, 250, 625.
submitted by J. Peacock
Columns 14 Rows 233