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(1) 1966MmRAS.134..189Kenderdine,Ryle&Pooley
(2) 1968MmRAS.139..529Pooley & Kenderdine
(3) 1969MNRAS.144..101Pooley
(4) 1970MNRAS.151....1Willson
(5) 1975MNRAS.171..475Pearson
(6) 1978MNRAS.182..273Pearson & Kus
(7) 1978MNRAS.182..273Pearson & Kus
(8) 1984MNRAS.211..433Green
(9) 1977MNRAS.181..547Wagget
(10) 1981MNRAS.196..695Schuch
(12) 1982MNRAS.200..747Benn+
(13) 1995MNRAS.272..699Benn
(14) 1991MNRAS.251..253Benn & Kenderdine
(15) 1991MNRAS.251..253Benn & Kenderdine
(16) 1991MNRAS.251..253Benn & Kenderdine

The calibration sources used for the early 5C surveys

Sidney Kenderdine

5C1 3C147
5C2 3C147
5C3 3C196
5C4 no unique calibrator
5C5 3C 48

The flux densities adopted are given in Macdonald et al 1968, MNRAS 138, 259, see table on p. 262.

Branson's survey described in his 1967 paper has been looked at again in connection with the 6C survey with a view to making 81--151 MHz comparisons; in particular, the maps were reworked by Waggett in an attempt to improve the synthesized beam-shape. The conclusion he came to, from the 3C sources in the field, is that the flux density scale was approximately on the scale of Kellermann et al 1969 (ApJ 157,1) but it was not consistent over the whole field, almost certainly because the envelope correction factor had not been known well enough.

This is I think about as far as we can go. Inevitably in earlier observations with an instrument, there are corrections due to instrumental and other effects which are not as well understood as they subsequently become.

My notes for the correction factors of 5C survey fluxes to the Baars scale as follows:
5C1 1.06 (from Kenderdine's letter, assuming KPW scale)
5C2 0.77 (Gillespie 1979, MNRAS)
5C3 1.06 (Gillespie 1979, MNRAS)
5C4 1.06 (Gillespie 1979, MNRAS)
5C5 1.06 (Gillespie 1979, MNRAS)

MNRAS, 211, 433, 1984

Observations of the Western part of the Cygnus Loop at 408 MHz: The 5C8 survey



The Western part of the Cygnys Loop supernova remnant has been observed with the Cambridge One-Mile telescope at 408 MHz with a resolution of 80x160" (RAxDec). These observations reveal the radio emission from the remnant in great detail, including a remarkable radio filament that stretches over much of the length of the remnant. The nature of this featute, and others, are discussied in terms of the interaction of the remnant with differing regions of the interstellar medium.

2.3 Flux scale and comparison with B2

The day-to-day flux calibration was based on the KPW scale with an assumed flux density of 42 Jy at 408 MHz for 3C147. A correction is necessary because this survey is near the Galactic plane, and the brightness temperature of the background emission (~50K) is appeciably different from that away from the Galactic plane (~15K).

For the OMT, at 408 MHz, T_n is 160 K (Pearson, 1975), so the difference in the correction factors between these observations and the calibtator fields is ~0.83, and all flux densities in this paper have been adjusted to allow for this. Details of the 26 sources remoted are given in Table 2. The appendix to this gives details of 163 sources detected by this survey.

Mon.Not. R.ast. Soc. 1982, 200, 747-766

A deep radio/optical survey near the North Galactic Pole
I. The 5C12 catalogue

C.R. Benn, G. Grueff and M. Vigotii and J.V. Wall


A deep survey (5C12) of a region close ti the North Pole has been carried out with the Cambridge One-Mile telescope. Within a region 4^o diameter, 299 sources were detected at 408 MHz, while 65 sources were detected at 1407 MHz in a concentric region of 1^o in diameter. The signal-to-noise ratio at 408 MHz has been enhanced over that of previous 5C surveys by using autocalibration of the phase data. The positions for 5C12 sources are sufficiently accurate, as evidenced by direct comparison with data from other radio surveys, that reliable optical identification may be attempted.

Source counts are presented and confirm the results from previous 5C surveys. Spectral index distributions are constructed for samples of sources selected at 408 and 1407 MHz and compared with results for samples selected at higher flux densities. There is no evidence for any change in the distributions over a 10^3 range in flux density.

Map center (1950): 12h58m43s 35o14'00"
		 408 MHz              1407 MHz
Area            5.12x8.91             1.28x2.23^o.
beam             80"x80"cosec(dec)     23"x23cosec(dec)
rms              2.8 mJy                0.31mJy
flux limit       9.0 mJy                1.4 mJy
3C48             35.0 Jy               15.8 Jy
3C147            42.0 Jy               22.2 Jy
3C295            54.0 Jy               22.7 Jy

The 5C14, 5C15, and 5C16 Radio Source Surveys of the 5C12 Area

Benn C.R. and S. Kenderdine (1991)

Documentation for the Computer-Readable Version

N. A. Oliversen

Doc. No. NSSDC/WDC-A-R&S 93-34 ( January 1994)


This catalog contains the fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth sections of the 5C Cambridge survey of radio sources. This catalog reports further 408 and 1407 MHz observations of the 5C12 area (Benn et al. 1982), which were carried out with the One-Mile Telescope at Cambridge to provide more accurate positions for the 5C12 sources and to extend the 5C12 catalog. Positions and flux densities were measured for 691 sources in a 5 degree x 5 degree area near the north galactic pole. The catalog data include the serial (source) number, right ascension (B1950.0) and declination (B1950.0), rms uncertainty in 408 MHz position, peak 408 MHz flux density and rms uncertainty, effective envelope attenuation (P_eff) at 408 MHz, difference between the 408 MHz and 1407 MHz positions, rms uncertainty in 1407 MHz position, peak 1407 MHz flux density and uncertainty, envelope attenuation P at 1407 MHz and radio spectral index between 408 MHz and 1407 MHz.

1 - Introduction

A copy of this document should be distributed with every copy of the machine-readable catalog.

1.1 - Description

The 5C14, 5C15, and 5C16 Radio Source Surveys of the 5C12 Area contains the fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth sections of the 5C Cambridge survey of radio sources. This catalog reports further 408 MHz and 1407 MHz observations of the 5C12 area (Benn et al. 1982), which were carried out with the One-Mile Telescope at Cambridge to provide more accurate positions for the 5C12 sources and to extend the 5C12 catalog. The 5C14, 5C15, and 5C16 observations were carried out in 1980-1981. The synthesized beamshape (arcsec) is 80 x 80 cosec (declination) for 408 MHz and 23 x 23 cosec (declination) for 1407 MHz. The procedure for observation and data reduction followed that described in 5C12 (Benn et al. 1982). See Benn and Kenderdine (1991) for further observation and data reduction details. The 5C14/5C15/5C16 catalog contains a listing of a total of 691 radio sources near the north galactic pole, of which 675 sources were detected at 408 MHz and 121 sources at 1407 MHz. The three surveys are centered on the following positions (B1950): 12h 58m 43s, 35 deg 54' 00" (5C14); 12h 56m 00s, 34 deg 54' 00" (5C15); and 13h 01m 36s, 34 deg 54' 00" (5C16).

1.2 - Reference

Benn, C. R. and Kenderdine, S. 1991, MNRAS, 251, 253

2 - Structure

2.1 - The File as a Whole

The 5C14/5C15/5C16 catalog consists of a single fixed-block file of 697 98-byte records. Descriptions of the fields in the file are given in the following section.

2.2 - Catalog File

Bytes     Units         Format             Item

  1- 4                      A4       Source name
  7- 8       hour           I2       Right ascension (B1950)
 10-11       min            I2       Right ascension (B1950)
 13-16       sec           F4.1      Right ascension (B1950)
 20-22       deg            I3       Declination (B1950)
 24-25      arcmin          I2       Declination (B1950)
 27-30      arcsec         F4.1      Declination (B1950)
 32-35      arcsec         F4.1      Err-ra-408
 38-41       mJy            I4       S408
 43-46       mJy            I4       Err-408
 49-53                     F5.3      Att-408
 56-60      arcsec         F5.1      Diff-ra
 62-66      arcsec         F5.1      Diff-dec
 69-71      arcsec         F3.1      Err-ra-1407
 74-78       mJy           F5.1      S1407
 80-84       mJy           F5.1      Err-1407
 87-91                     F5.3      Att-1407
 94-98                     F5.2      Alpha

Table 1: Catalog Record Format

Source name: The serial number of the 5C12 source is given in this column. Additions to the 316-source catalog given in Benn et al. 1982 are numbered from 5C12.317 onwards. Pairs of 1407 MHz detections blended at 408 MHz are numbered as one source with components a, b. Sources 5C12.7 and 5C12.9 of 5C12 are now known to be lobes of a wide double (see Section 2 of Benn et al. 1988), and here they have been numbered 7a and 7b.

Right ascension, declination: The coordinates have been corrected for precession to epoch B1950.0 measured at 408 MHz or, if detected at the higher frequency only, at 1407 MHz. The positions are weighted means of those measured from the 5C12 and 5C14 + 15 + 16 maps.

Err-ra-408: Rms uncertainty in the 408 MHz right ascension. The uncertainty in declination is larger by a factor cosec (declination), approximately 1.74 at the 5C12 map center.

S408, Err-408: Peak 408 MHz flux density and rms uncertainty, measured from the 5C14 + 5C15 + 5C16 combined map. Flux densities are on the scale of Kellermann et al. (1969); to bring them on to the scale of Baars et al. (1977), they should be multiplied by 1.07 (Riley 1988).

Att-408: Effective envelope attenuation P_eff at 408 MHz. S408 must be multiplied by this factor to recover the apparent flux density S' with which the source appears on the 5C14 + 5C15 + 5C16 map, and hence the signal-to-noise ratio.

Diff-ra, Diff-dec: Difference between 408 MHz and 1407 MHz positions in the sense 1407-408 MHz. The 1407 MHz position was measured from whichever of the 5C12, 5C14, 5C15, or 5C16 maps gave the highest signal-to-noise ratio.

Err-ra-1407: Rms uncertainty in 1407 MHz right ascension. The uncertainty in declination is larger by a factor cosec (declination).

S1407, Err-1407: Peak 1407 MHz flux density and uncertainty. The flux density was measured from whichever of the 5C12, 5C14, 5C15, or 5C16 maps gave the highest signal-to-noise ratio. Flux densities are on the scale of Kellermann et al. (1969); to bring them on to the scale of Baars et al. (1977), they should be multiplied by 1.04.

Att-1407: Envelope attenuation P at 1407 MHz.

Alpha: Radio spectral index between 408 and 1407 MHz, defined by S_nu ~nu^(alpha).

3 - History

3.1 - Remarks and Modification

The 5C14, 5C15, and 5C16 Radio Source Surveys of the 5C12 Area was received by the Astronomical Data Center (ADC), NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, from Dr. Heinz Andernach. The catalog was originally submitted to Dr. Andernach by Dr. C. Benn.

The "alpha" or spectral index column differed in sign between the published version of this catalog and the electronic version submitted to the ADC. Apparently the absolute value of the column was the same in the two versions, only the sign was affected. The electronic version was modified by the ADC to agree with the printed catalog.

The declination (seconds) column contained a mix of I2 and F4.1 format numbers in the electronic version submitted to the ADC. A decimal point was added to the I2 format numbers (byte number 29) by the ADC so the entire column could be read with an F4.1 format. No change was made to the data values themselves.

4 - Reference to the Documentation

Baars, J. W. M., Genzel, R. Pauliny-Toth, I. I. K., and Witzel, A. 1977, A&A, 61, 99

Benn, C. R., Grueff, G., Vigotti, M., and Wall, J. V. 1982, MNRAS, 200, 747

Benn, C. R., Grueff, G., Vigotti, M., and Wall, J. V. 1988, MNRAS, 230, 1

Benn, C. R. and Kenderdine, S. 1991, MNRAS, 251, 253

Kellermann, K. I., Pauliny-Toth, I. I. K., and Williams, P. J. S. 1969, ApJ, 157, 1

Riley, J. M. 1988, MNRAS, 233, 225

J/MNRAS/272/699                 The 5C13 deep radio survey  (Benn+, 1995)
The 5C13 deep radio survey (16h, +42)
      BENN C.R.
     =1995MNRAS.272..699B      (SIMBAD/NED Reference)
Keywords: surveys - radio continuum: general

    A deep 0.4-GHz survey of a 4deg-diameter region in Hercules is
    reported. 232 sources brighter than 9.5 mJy were detected. In a
    simultaneous 1.4-GHz survey of the concentric area 1deg in diameter,
    45 sources brighter than 1.7 mJy were detected. The differential
    0.4-GHz radio source count is presented; it is in good agreement with
    that from other 5C surveys. This survey brings to 3220 the number of
    0.4-GHz sources catalogued by the published 5C surveys.

File Summary:
  FileName      Lrecl  Records   Explanations
ReadMe             80        .   This file
table1             98      254   The 5C13 catalogue
table2             64       11   5C13 0.4-GHz source counts

Byte-by-byte Description of file: table1
   Bytes Format  Units   Label   Explanations
  1-  4  A4     ---      5C13    5C13 serial number
  6-  7  I2     h        RAh     Right ascension (1950) (1)
  9- 10  I2     min      RAm     Right ascension (1950) (1)
 12- 16  F5.2   s        RAs     Right ascension (1950) (1)
 19- 20  I2     deg      DEd     Declination (1950)
 22- 23  I2     arcmin   DEm     Declination (1950)
 25- 28  F4.1   arcsec   DEs     Declination (1950)
 31- 33  F3.1   arcsec e_RA      rms uncertainty in measured RA
 36- 41  F6.1   mJy      S0.4    ? Peak 0.4-GHz flux density
 43- 46  F4.1   mJy    e_S0.4    ? rms uncertainty on flux density
 48- 51  F4.2   ---      P0.4    ? Envelope attenuation at 0.4-GHz (2)
 53- 57  F5.1   mJy      S1.4    ? Peak 1.4-GHz flux density
 59- 61  F3.1   mJy    e_S1.4    ? rms uncertainty on flux density
 63- 65  F3.1   ---      P1.4    ? Envelope attenuation at 1.4-GHz (2)
 68- 71  F4.1   ---      Alpha   ? Radio spectral index {alpha}
				 (0.4, 1.4 GHz)
 74- 98  A25    ---      Notes   Notes
(1): measured at 0.4 GHz or, if detected at higher frequency, at 1.4 GHz
(2): S0.4 must be multiplied by this factor to recover the apparent
     flux density S'0.4 with which the source appears on the synthesized
     map, and hence the signal-to-noise ratio
Byte-by-byte Description of file: table2
 Bytes Format  Units      Label       Explanations
 3-  7  F5.1   mJy        S0.4(1)     Peak 0.4-GHz lower limit for the
				      flux density range
 9- 14  F6.1   mJy        S0.4(2)     Peak 0.4-GHz upper limit for the
				      flux density range
16- 17  I2     ---        m1          Number of sources detected in the
				      given flux density range before
				      polar-diagram correction
19- 20  I2     ---        m2          Number of sources detected in the
				      given flux density range after
				      polar-diagram correction
23- 27  F5.3   10+5sr-1   DelN        Source density
30- 34  F5.3   ---        5C13DelN/No 5C13 Source density (3)
36- 39  F4.2   ---      e_5C13DelN/No Error on source density
42- 46  F5.3   ---        5CDelN/No   Mean source density (3) for the
				      published 5C surveys (1)
49- 52  F4.2   ---      e_5CDelN/No   Error on source density
55- 59  F5.3   ---        B3DelN/No   ? Mean source density (3)
				      for the B3 survey (2)
61- 64  F4.2   ---      e_B3DelN/No   ? Error on source density
Note (1): Benn and Wall 1995
Note (2): Grueff 1988
Note (3): Normalized to Euclidean integral count 750(S/Jy)^-1.5^/sr

   Benn C.R., Wall J.V. 1995, MNRAS, 272, 678
   Grueff G. 1988, A&A, 193, 40

Historical Notes: 
    #A022 in H. Andernach's list; Completed at CDS
(End)                     James Marcout, Simona Mei [CDS]   16-Aug-1995