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VIII/29 1400-MHz Survey of 1478 Abell Clusters of Galaxies (Owen+ 1982)
A 1400-MHz Survey of 1478 Abell Clusters of Galaxies
Owen F.N., White R.A., Hilldrup K.C., Hanisch R.J.
ADC_Keywords: Radio sources ; Galaxies, radio ; Clusters, galaxy ; Surveys
This catalog contains observations of Abell clusters of galaxies which
were obtained with the Green Bank 91-m telescope at 1400 MHz with an
angular resolution of 10'x11' (RAxDEC). This catalog extends the
sample of clusters originally published in Owen (1974). The primary
goals of this survey were to observe all Abell (1958) clusters with
m10 (magnitude of the tenth brightest galaxy in the cluster) less than
or equal to 17.0 and declinations north of -19 degrees, to observe all
clusters with richness GE 3 regardless of m10, and to obtain observations
of a representative sample of the rest of the catalog (m10 GE 17.0;
richness LE 2). This dataset contains ALL 957 detected sources
(also beyond 0.5 corrected Abell radii). It contains 525 sources within
0.5 corrected Abell radii, while the published version has 487 entries
corresponding to 485 distinct sources (in 442 clusters). The catalog
entries contains the flux density at 1400 MHz, the Abell cluster number,
richness class, distance class, m10, redshift estimate (z), corrected
Abell cluster radius, right ascension (B1950), declination (B1950),
deconvolved major and minor source axis lengths, position angle,
and distance of the source from the cluster center.
File Summary:
FileName Lrecl Records Explanations
ReadMe 80 . This file
abelclus.dat 86 959 1400-MHz survey of Abell Clusters
Byte-by-byte Description of file: abelclus.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1- 4 I4 --- ID *[7,2710] Abell cluster number
6 I1 --- Rich *[0,] Richness class
8 I1 --- Dist [0,] Distance class
10- 13 F4.1 mag m10 ]0,] Magnitude of tenth brightest galaxy
15- 18 F4.3 --- zest *]0,] Redshift (z) estimate
20- 24 F5.1 arcmin Radius ]0,] Corrected Abell cluster radius
26- 27 I2 h RAh [0,24[ Right ascension (B1950)
28- 29 I2 min RAm [0,60[ Right ascension (B1950)
30- 33 F4.1 s RAs [0,60[ Right ascension (B1950)
35- 38 F4.1 s e_RAs ]0,] Error in right ascension
40 A1 --- DE- [+-] Declination: sign
41- 42 I2 deg DEd [0,90] Declination (B1950)
43- 44 I2 arcmin DEm [0,60[ Declination (B1950)
45- 46 I2 arcsec DEs [0,60[ Declination (B1950)
48- 50 I3 arcsec e_DEs ]0,] Error in declination
52- 56 F5.2 Jy S1400 ]0,] Total flux density at 1400 MHz
58- 61 F4.2 Jy e_S1400 ]0,] Flux density error at 1400 MHz
64- 65 I2 arcmin MajAxi *? [0,] Deconvolved major axis length
67- 68 I2 arcmin e_MajAxi *? ]0,] Major axis error
70- 71 A2 --- n_MajAxi *[ A, B, C,NR, ] Major axis note
73- 74 I2 arcmin MinAxi *? [0,] Deconvolved minor axis
77 I1 arcmin e_MinAxi *? ]0,] Minor axis error
79- 80 A2 --- n_MinAxi *[ A, B, C,NR, ] Minor axis note
82- 84 I3 deg PA *? [0,360[ Position angle
86- 88 I3 deg e_PA *? ]0,] Position angle error
90- 93 F4.2 pc dist-C *? ]0,] Distance from cluster center
Note on ID:
An asterisk by the Abell cluster number in ID means only that the cluster
is outside of Abell's galactic latitude limits for completeness.
Note on Rich:
Richness 0 clusters need not have an asterisk.
Note on zest:
The redshift was estimated using using the method of Corwin (1974)
including a richness correction.
Note on MajAxi, e_MajAxi, MinAxi, e_MinAxi, PA, and e_PA:
These columns contain entries for sources not included in Owen (1974) or
for sources with new measurements.
Note on n_MajAxi, n_MinAxi:
For sources from Owen et al. (1974) a resolution code is given; NR (not
significantly resolved or less than 5 arcmin), A (5-10 arcmin), B (10-15
arcmin), C (greater than 15 arcmin). These values refer to the source
sizes after deconvolution with the telescope beam.
Note on dist-C:
Ratio of the distance of the source from the cluster center to the
corrected Abell cluster radius.
Remarks and Modifications:
The original data (2 lines per source and higher accuracy parameters)
were reformatted by Dr. Andernach, to one line per source, and truncated
to the published, significant digits. Moreover, the sources were sorted
by B1950 coordinates, not by Abell cluster number as in the original
publication. Information on whether the cluster is in Abell's
statistical sample was not contained in the data file from Hanisch, but
can be recovered e.g. from Struble and Rood (1987) (cf. NASA ADC catalog
A7096). Two additional columns (n_MajAxi, n_MinAxi) were added to the
ADC version of this catalog by extracting the character fields from the
original MajAxi and MinAxi columns, in order to avoid mixing numeric and
character fields in the same columns.
This catalog was received by the Astronomical Data Center (ADC), NASA
Goddard Space Flight Center, from Dr. Heinz Andernach. The data were
originally received by H. Andernach, on tape, from R. J. Hanisch in 1984.
The original ADC and CDS documentation by N.A. Oliversen and H. Andernach
(1994) was used to create this ReadMe file.
In column n_MinAxi the last record shows a value of 77, which is unexplained.
Abell, G. O. 1958, ApJS, 3, 211
Corwin, H. G. 1974, AJ, 79, 1356
Owen, F. N. 1974, AJ, 79, 427
Struble, and Rood, 1987, ApJS, 63, 555
(End) N.A.Oliversen [ADC], H.Andernach [CDS], C.-H.Lyu [Hughes STX] 08-Apr-1996