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See also ELAIS survey with VLA
A 1.4 GHz Survey in the Southern ELAIS Region
C.Cesarsky, L.Danese, A.Franceschini,
R.Genzel, A.Lawrence, D.Lemke, R.G.McMahon,
G.Miley, S.Oliver, J-L.Puget, B.Rocca-Volmerange
(astro-ph/9812256; http://athena.ph.ic.ac.uk/pubs.html
downloaded 4-May-99)
B1950 coords added and (dummy) values of zero blanked out
on 4-May-99 by H.Andernach
A deep survey of the European Large Area ISO Survey (ELAIS) field in the
southern celestial hemisphere (hereinafter S1) has been carried out with
the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) at 1.4 GHz. The S1 region,
covering about 4 square degrees, has been also surveyed in the mid- and
far-infrared (5-200 $\mu$m) with the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO).
The radio survey provides uniform coverage of the entire S1 region, with
a sensitivity ($5\sigma$) of 0.4 mJy over the whole area and 0.2 mJy in
the center. To this sensitivity, virtually all the radio counterparts of
the far-infrared
extragalactic ISO sources should be detected. This paper presents a radio
sample--complete at the 5$\sigma$ level--consisting of 581 sources
detected at 1.4 GHz. Of these radio sources, 349 have peak flux density
in the range 0.2-1 mJy, forming a new homogeneous sample of sub-mJy
radio sources. Due to its size, depth and multi-waveband coverage, the
sample will allow us to study in greater detail the sub-mJy radio source
The full catalogue will be available from http://athena.ph.ac.uk/
The catalogue contains a total of 621 components, and reports the source
name, the peak flux density $S_p$ (in mJy), the integrated flux density
$S_t$ (in mJy), the source position (right ascension and declination at
equinox J2000), the FWHM of the major and minor axes, the positional angle
of the major axis, the signal-to-noise ratio and a character as a comment
about the deconvolution outcome (D=deconvolution of source size from beam
OK, P=deconvolution gave result close to point source, F=deconvolution
failed, E=multiple source). Whenever the deconvolution of the source size
from the beam failed (F), the fitted parameters (instead of the deconvolved
ones) are reported in the catalogue. For double or multiple sources the
components are labeled `A', `B', etc., followed by a line labeled `T'
in which parameters for the total source are given. The position of the
total source has been computed as the flux-weighted average position for
all the components. In Table 1 the first page of the catalogue is shown as
an example.
Table 1: The ATCA 1.4-GHz Radio Catalog of S1
name ELAISR20_J... Fpeak+-mJy Ftot_+-mJy RADEC_B1950 RADEC_J2000 dRA/" dDE/" Major" Minor" PA/d +-Maj/"+-Min/"+-PA/d rms Sigma Flag
002830-424456A 7.182 .026 13.080 .048 002602.3-430127 002828.69-424452.0 0.117 0.253 10.890 7.404 7.233 0.068 0.040 .005 .080 89.77500 D
002830-424456B 5.400 .025 11.530 .053 002604.7-430137 002831.01-424501.5 0.132 0.256 14.120 7.471 -41.300 0.095 0.051 .005 .080 67.50000 D
002830-424456T 7.182 21.780 002603.3-430131 002829.69-424456.1 0.176 0.360 .080 E