Here is an example of the output header of CATS data. Our format differs from the canonic FITS by the absence of compulsary spaces between the keyword, the sign '=' and the value of the keyword.
SIMPLE=T / BITPIX=8 / character information NAXIS=0 / no image data array present EXTEND=T / there may be standard extensions OBJECT=CATS SEARCH / CATS search result ORIGIN=SAO RAS DATE=char / date of file creation END XTENSION=TABLE / F-file table for spectrum data BITPIX=8 / 8-bits per "pixel" NAXIS=2 / simple 2-D matrix NAXIS1=93 / No. of characters per row NAXIS2=1000 / number of lines TFIELDS=15 / there are 15 fields per row EXTNAME=CATS / object name: CATS operation result TTYPE1=CATALOG / reference: catalog name TBCOL1=1 / start in column 1 TFORM1=A5 / xxxxx,xxx character field TNULL1=n / null value TTYPE2=NAME / name of source in catalog TBCOL2=7 / start in column 7 TFORM2=A16 / 16 characters TTYPE3=RAH / right ascension hours TBCOL3=24 / start in column 24 TFORM3=I2 / 2 digit integer TUNIT3=HR / units are hours TNULL3=00 / null value TTYPE4=RAM / right ascension hours TBCOL4=27 / start in column 27 TFORM4=I2 / 2 digit integer TUNIT4=MIN / minutes of time TNULL4=00 / null value TTYPE5=RAS / right ascension minutes TBCOL5=30 / start in column 30 TFORM5=E6.2 / SP floating point TUNIT5=S / seconds of time TNULL5=00.000 / null value TTYPE6=ERAS / error of right ascension seconds TBCOL6=37 / start in column 37 TFORM6=A6 / SP floating point or 'n' char.field TUNIT6=S / seconds of time TNULL6=n / null value TTYPE7=DECDSIGN / declination sign TBCOL7=45 / start in column 45 TFORM7=A1 / charachter field TNULL7=' ' / null value TTYPE8=DECD / declination degrees TBCOL8=46 / start in column 46 TFORM8=I2 / 2 digit integer TUNIT8=DEG / degrees TNULL8=00 / null value TTYPE9=DECM / declination minutes TBCOL9=49 / start in column 49 TFORM9=I2 / 2 digit integer TUNIT9=ARCMIN / minutes (angle) TNULL9=00 / null value TTYPE10=DECS / declination seconds TBCOL10=52 / start in column 52 TFORM10=E5.2 / xx.xx SP floating point TUNIT10=ARCSEC / seconds (angle) TNULL10=00.00 / null value TTYPE11=EDECS / error of declination seconds TBCOL11=58 / start in column 58 TFORM11=A5 / xx.xx SP floating point or '?' char.field TUNIT11=ARCSEC / seconds (angle) TNULL11=n / null value TTYPE12=FREQ / frequency TBCOL12=64 / start in column 64 TFORM12=A7 / xxxxxx float.point or 'n' char.field TUNIT12=MHZ / MegaHerz TNULL12=n / null value TTYPE13=FLUXD / flux density TBCOL13=72 / start in column 72 TFORM13=A9 / xxxxxx SP floating point or 'n' char.field TUNIT13=JY / Jansky TNULL13=n / null value TTYPE14=EFLUXD / error of flux density TBCOL14=82 / start in column 82 TFORM14=A7 / xxxxx SP floating point or 'n' char.field TUNIT14=JY / Jansky TNULL14=n / null value TTYPE15=EPOCH / epoch coordinates: B, J or year TBCOL15=90 / start in column 90 TFORM15=A6 / character field TNULL15=? / null value COMMENT Any comments HISTORY History of data operation HISTORY END ......................................................... ............. Table of rows of ASCII data ............... .........................................................