2005AIPC..752...53B Stellar Speckle Interferometry with Large Telescopes Authors: Balega, Yuri Journal: Stellar Astrophysics with the World's Largest Telescopes: First International Workshop on Stellar Astrophysics with the World's Largest Telescopes, Proceedings of the conference held 7-10 September, 2004 in Torun, Poland. Edited by Joanna Mikolajewska, and Arkadiusz Olech. AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 752. New York: American Institute of Physics, 2005., p.53-53 Publication Date: 03/2005 Abstract Speckle interferometry is a method for attainment high angular resolution using full aperture of the large telescope. We give a brief description of the main principles of the method and the history of its development at large telescopes. The main fields of application of the method are the binary and multiple star research, study of the circumstellar gas and dust structures both for young objects and for stars at the latest stages of their evolution. Stellar diameters of nearby supergiants can be measured in different bands using the largest world telescopes. We discuss the perspectives of the method adaptation at the telescopes with segmented mirrors. Origin: ADS Bibliographic Code: 2005AIPC..752...53B