In Fig. 3 are shown fragments of the echelle
spectra of the quasar S5 0014+81 () obtained with the PF
echelle spectrograph within the frames of the programme of study of
absorption spectra of bright quasars (authors of the programme are
D.A.Varshalovich and A.V.Ivanchik). The total length of the echelle
spectrum recorded simultaneously is about 4000 Å. To compare with the level
achieved previously one can use Fig. 4 from the paper by Varshalovich et al.
(1996), where a spectrum of the same object (100Å long), recorded in
the BTA MSS observations carried out under the same seeing conditions in
1994, is given. It should be noted that apart from the gain in the number of
simultaneously transmitted spectrum elements under the conditions of
retaining the spectral resolution, the PF echelle spectrometer increased the
limiting magnitude in high spectral resolution observations of faint objects.
In Fig. 4 is presented an echelle spectrum fragment of the protoplanetary
nebula RAFGL 618 (IRAS 04395+3601, ), which was recorded in
carrying out the programme of spectroscopy of ``post-asymptotic giant
branch'' objects (author of the programme is V.G. Klochkova).