From comparison of observed and synthetic spectra of IRAS04296
we revealed some strong absorptional features whose positions
coincide with known diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs)
(Jenniskens et al., 1994).
In Fig.5 we illustrate the presence of DIB's by
showing a spectral region of IRAS04296. We have calculated the
synthetic spectrum using the code STARSP (Tsymbal 1995) and the
atmospheric parameters and abundances of chemical elements we here
obtained. It should be noted that for such a comparison in the
spectral range near
6270-6310Å the telluric spectrum has been
removed from the observed spectrum.
In the following paper we plan to study in detail such
identified with DIB's absorptions, we have revealed in the
spectra of several related objects (IRAS04296,
IRAS23304+6147, IRAS222223+4327), here we limited ourself by
such short information.